Daniëlle van den Broek wins science battle ‘Vuurvliegen’

A group of 150 children from the elementary school OBS Tuindorp in Utrecht has chosen Daniëlle van den Broek (PhD candidate at SSM) as winner of the science battle Vuurvliegen 2022. In competition with two other scientists, she pitched her research about ice-binding proteins in the clearest and most appealing way.

Centrum JongerenCommunicatie Chemie (C3) organizes the annual Vuurvliegen event. The idea behind it is that who can explain his or her research to a nine-year-old, can explain it to anyone. By participating in Vuurvliegen, reasearchers learn to present their research clearly and convincingly. At the same time, children get a taste of what it means to be a researcher in chemistry.

Daniëlle’s presentation will be translated to education material that will be available to all primary schools in the Netherlands, so that more children can experience how exciting science can be.
